Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday's Toots #14

Posted by ToddleToots! at 12:01 AM
Happy Tuesday and Welcome Spring!

Smallgirl (4yo): "Daddy! The fingers are dancing on your head! They're dancing on your gap!"
Smallgirl: "I'm a star. You can sing Twinkle Twinkle at me if you like."
Me to five year old son: Your brother wants to be a detective when he grows up. What do YOU want to be? 
Son to me: a refrigerator. Of course
Allison S. @aswinn
Just got upset at 4 yo over her behavior. She looked at me, put hands into the air and said, "No worries, mom."(4 going on 14)

Julie @balancingmama (More from this post at 3MomsIn1)
(Easter Morning) Later that morning, we tested her patience at church. We attended a service with family, at a church we had not previously visited. The sermon was a bit long. For us, and especially for Amelia (3yo). 
"Mommy!", she exclaimed mid-sermon (not quietly), "He is talking too much!" I could see a couple grins and stifled giggles from the people directly in front of us. 
And a bit later, questioning the screens that only showed song lyrics and bible verses, "Where is the bunny movie?!? I don't like this show!" The poor kid thought we were at a movie. 
Betty Sue @kidzquotes

My 7yo daughter to 10yo sis after gawking at buxom woman sculpture: 'Well, you'll probably be getting YOUR hooters soon!'

Michelle I. @emjayinns (via @kidzquotes
One of my twin 3 year old girls told me "I love you mummy but I like pooing in my pants"
Thank you to everyone for sharing your cute comments with me! I hope these made you smile. 
In honor of the upcoming Mother's Day (May 8th in the US) I am working on a post for Mama's and would love your participation! Fill in the blank... (either in the comments or send me an email)
"You know you're a Mama when ___________________"



Not Just Another Jennifer on May 3, 2011 at 2:40 PM said...

So fun!
You know you're a Mama when... you get a snotty, slobbery kiss from your toddler and it doesn't gross you out as much as you thought it would BK (Before Kids).

ToddleToots! on May 3, 2011 at 3:15 PM said...

Thanks Jennifer and that is so true! Or maybe not even a kiss but toddler is snotty and you have to take care of it but there is no tissue or anything around so... you use your own hands/shirt/whatever ;)

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