SmallGirl @smallgirltweets
Smallgirl (4yo): "Daddy! The fingers are dancing on your head! They're dancing on your gap!"
Smallgirl: "I'm a star. You can sing Twinkle Twinkle at me if you like."
Eliska @eliskacounce
Me to five year old son: Your brother wants to be a detective when he grows up. What do YOU want to be?
Son to me: a refrigerator. Of course
Allison S. @aswinn
Just got upset at 4 yo over her behavior. She looked at me, put hands into the air and said, "No worries, mom."(4 going on 14)
Julie @balancingmama (More from this post at 3MomsIn1)
(Easter Morning) Later that morning, we tested her patience at church. We attended a service with family, at a church we had not previously visited. The sermon was a bit long. For us, and especially for Amelia (3yo).
"Mommy!", she exclaimed mid-sermon (not quietly), "He is talking too much!" I could see a couple grins and stifled giggles from the people directly in front of us.
And a bit later, questioning the screens that only showed song lyrics and bible verses, "Where is the bunny movie?!? I don't like this show!" The poor kid thought we were at a movie.
Betty Sue @kidzquotes
My 7yo daughter to 10yo sis after gawking at buxom woman sculpture: 'Well, you'll probably be getting YOUR hooters soon!'
One of my twin 3 year old girls told me "I love you mummy but I like pooing in my pants"
Thank you to everyone for sharing your cute comments with me! I hope these made you smile.
In honor of the upcoming Mother's Day (May 8th in the US) I am working on a post for Mama's and would love your participation! Fill in the blank... (either in the comments or send me an email)
"You know you're a Mama when ___________________"
So fun!
You know you're a Mama when... you get a snotty, slobbery kiss from your toddler and it doesn't gross you out as much as you thought it would BK (Before Kids).
Thanks Jennifer and that is so true! Or maybe not even a kiss but toddler is snotty and you have to take care of it but there is no tissue or anything around so... you use your own hands/shirt/whatever ;)
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