Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday's Toots! #5

Posted by ToddleToots! at 12:01 AM

Toots! Toots! Toots! It's time for Toots!...

Dawn M. (@dawnmetcalf)
Reasons why I love my daughter: "Mom! Listen to this little tune! ♫ doo-diddle-ooo-doo-doo! ♫ Do you know where that came from? My brain!"

Misty R.
Yesterday MORNING at 6:45 I hear 4yo screaming from the kitchen. After running in there to see what's wrong I realize he had climbed into the fridge and fallen and cut his chin. I comforted him of course but asked him what he was doing in the fridge. His response? "I was just getting you a beer mom!" apparently beer is the new coffee.....

Amanda G. (@caffeinated_mom)
4y/o: "I want to make a snowman, can you get me some milk mommy?"

Brittany G. (@barefootfoodie)
Son just pulled open the front of his pants and was all, “Jesus, are you in there?” Catholic School is hilarious. Totally worth the money.

The Drama Mama (@poopscoopinmama)
Things you dont want to hear from your 3yo before that 1st cup of joe is gone: "Mommy my wee wee's hard." Thanks, son. Go tell your daddy

Michelle (@boytrapped)
Me: Son, quit biting your nails.
Son: I'm not, I'm eating toothpaste.
Me: Don't eat toothpaste. – why does this need to be explained?

Jennifer B. (@Jennifer_Brandt)
Tonight 3yo grabbed paci and blankie and said "Ahhh, its just so nice after a long, long day." Where does he come up w this stuff! So cute.

Thanks to everyone who shared your fun comments! Happy Tuesday :)



Not Just Another Jennifer on February 8, 2011 at 8:31 AM said...

Ha ha!! Too cute!

Brittany on February 8, 2011 at 9:13 AM said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like I need to send my little man to Catholic School. These toots just keep getting better!
Thanks for all your work Mamma Toots.

ToddleToots! on February 8, 2011 at 9:19 PM said...

Thanks for all your comments! Glad you enjoyed it.

The Drama Mama on February 9, 2011 at 11:24 AM said...

I totally forgot about that one. I'll have to tweet these things he says more often. ;)

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