Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday's Toots! #6

Posted by ToddleToots! at 12:01 AM
Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!  Enjoy...

Sassypiehole (@sassypiehole)
3yo daughter in bathtub: "That was a sad toot!" (can't say I've ever heard of that) "And THAT was a happy toot!" (we might need to get out of the tub).

"My pajamas have curtains!"

Nicole A.
As the kids are eating breakfast J (9yo son) was practicing writing in cursive. Then N (5yo son) says, 'quick R (6yo daughter) - say something in cursive!' R looked at him and said very dramatically 'ohdoligwe'. Apparently, she's quite fluent. ;)

Keli B. (@improperlykeli)
I'm just sitting at the dining table on the internet while the little man (5yo) eats some cheetos when suddenly he looks at me and says, "I know, Mom. These Cheetos are totally calling your name aren't they? They don't know you're working out at the gym now."

Ben D. (@bendelaney)
Son (4yo): Hey Dad, look! It's a Magooby Maschew!
Me: A Magooby Maschew?!
Son: Yep. 
Me: ooooOk!

Thank you to everyone who shared your cute comments with us! We love them, keep 'em coming! If you haven't had a chance, "Like" our Facebook Page!  

Happy Tuesday,


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