Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday's Toots! #10

Posted by ToddleToots! at 12:06 AM
It's Tuesday!  Enjoy the Toots!!...

Betty Sue (@kidzquotes)
A (7yo): "Mum I can't sleep cuz I can't decide if I want to be a rock star or a candy store owner when I grow up"

Tiffany B.
Hubby calls (on speaker phone) "Hi, I'm in atlanta headed to my gate."
X(5yo son): "Daddy! You're in love with some one else! (meaning mama)
You can't go on a DATE!"

I don't know weather to unplug the cable or get him hearing aids.)

Jessica W. (@TheLeakyBoob)
DH to 8YO: I can't move the sun, I'm very sorry. 
8YO: It's not fair! I need a daddy that can move the sun!

Crayon Wrangler (@CrayonWrangler)
My kid loudly in crowded Walmart line: "Mom. How many VDs do you got?" (The word she's looking for is DVDs)

Mama Crass (@SassyPieHole)
3yo daughter: "There's no more milk!" 
(all you gotta do is say "Mommy... may I have some more milk, please?") 3yo: "Shoe off! Shoe OFF!" 
(you mean "STEP" off?)

Michael C.
M (8yo son): "This mouthwash is supposed to taste like Ocean Berry. What the heck is an Ocean Berry? I don't think they exist. This stuff isn't very good."...."I like grape M&Ms, the kind that are made with real grape juice".

Small Girl (@smallgirltweets)
"You come in my shop Mummy and you buy things you don't want, but you haven't got. OK?" #smallgirl gets capitalism.

v Jacob (@uniquelykiki) (via @kidzquotes)
my 7year old when asked what she wanted for Xmas replied "art materials with a weasle please"

same daughter also wanted to keep a caterpillar until it turned into a racoon! Told her she would have a long wait :-)


Thank you once again to everyone for letting me share your comments! I hope they made you smile!

Also, I'm working on another Toots post themed: "Innocent Insults". If your little ones have ever embarrassed you with their much TOO honest comments, we want to hear about it!!  Submit it here at our ToddleToots email or on our Facebook Page.

Happy Tuesday!


Heidi on March 16, 2011 at 8:19 PM said...

Haha! Love em!

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