Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday's Toots! #4

Posted by ToddleToots! at 12:01 AM
It's that time again...

Sassypiehole (@sassypiehole)
3yo daughter: "I don't WANNA wash my teeth, I'm gonna leave the pancakes on 'em!

Nickie R.
My kids are hilarious, usually when I have nothing on me but my phone... 

"Girl Jesus" she was calling herself with a stick.

Michael C.
Son: "Where are you going on your work trip?"

Me: "Florida."

Son: "Do they have famous things there like...statues...or graves...or football...or papers?"

Me: "Mmmm this vanilla ice cream is good.

Son: "Isn't that like our State ice cream?"

In the bathtub, my 2 yr old was trying to catch her fart in a cup and giving it to her sister to smell. Nice. 

Listening to my 6yr old giving our koi fish a pep talk. "Dagon, you only have 9 more foods to eat! Come on bud!"

How many times must you say, "lipgloss is for lips, not foreheads" before it can be understood by a 3 year old?

Thank you to everyone who shared! We will be having a special guest post shared with us from a mother, who is also a teacher coming soon. Make sure to sign up for our posts via email if you haven't already to make sure you don't miss out :)

Happy Tooting!


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