Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday's Toots!

Posted by ToddleToots! at 2:49 PM
Get Your Toots!...

Sassypiehole (@sassypiehole)
3yo daughter: "No, I don't want chocolate Cheerios. I'll eat them when the sun comes up. Put that milk away!"

Me:(please don't lick the tub, it's dirty) 
3yo daughter: "I'm a LICKER!"

Wendy M.
Two funnies: My husband was looking at an online menu for an Indian restaurant, asking me what I wanted.  “Brother Rootbeer” (4yo) said, "Are we getting alien food?"... A few minutes later on his way out the door, “Brother Rootbeer” grabbed his pez candy dispenser and stated, "I have bugs in my throat. Mama this eats the bugs in my throat..." as he popped one in his mouth.

Kevin G.
A teacher tells her class that she loves the BEARS. The class agrees with her except one little girl. When asked who she likes, the girl said the Packers. The teacher asked why and the girl said "because my mommy and daddy are fans". The teacher replies "that's no reason to like them, what if your dad was an idiot and your mom was a moron... then what would you be?" The little girl replied back, "a Bears fans”. (That’s my girl!)

Georgia M. (@Georgia_McBride)
3yo, "mommy, we need the talkulator to tell us which way to go." I guess he means the gps.

Shiloh W. (@shilohwalker)
I was cuddling her (Baby Bratlet) and I asked her... "You know what you are? You are a present I get to open from God, every single day. You , your bub, your sister, and your daddy." She stares and me and then goes… "But where's the box?"
Dear Baby Bratlet...You. You are the box. No bows or ribbons needed.
FYI... I adore my family. They make me melt inside. Best gift God ever game me. Everything else pales. sniffles. heart.

Thank You to everyone who shared with us! I hope you enjoyed today's Toots! Please remember us next time your little one(s) do something you want to share. 

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Bees With Honey on February 1, 2011 at 4:47 PM said...

I'm still laughing about my daughter trying to catch her fart in a cup while in the bathtub! Thanks for posting it for others to laugh at!
Kids say the funniest things:)


ToddleToots! on February 1, 2011 at 6:19 PM said...

I think it's hilarious, I'm sure it was pretty funny watching her try to accomplish it.

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